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Allotment of Champions: April 2006

Thursday, April 13, 2006

P.A.M.E.L.A. at the BBC

Erstwhile giant pumpkin growing champion, and guru of all things bulbous, Andrew Woodward (pictured - click to enlarge) has been approached by the BBC and asked to appear, along with some of his gardening colleagues, on a television programme later this year. Naturally, he accepted this kind offer and immediately suggested that myself and Gav of the Allotment of Champions join him on this epic quest.

This mighty conglomerate also includes Craig "Organic Craggle" McCauley, Firemen Robert "The Tidbury Turnip" Hawkes and Jim Hyde, and of course Woody himself. If all goes according to plan, this group, collectively known as P.A.M.E.L.A. (Pumpkins And Marrows Extra Large Association), will be visited at monthly intervals by a small BBC contingent for updates. The procedings will culminate later this year with some manner of competition.

We were visited this week by a pair of media-savvy types from 12 yard productions (pictured below), who interviewed us all to see if we're suitable for the Titchmarsh-drenched world of TV gardening. I think we came across very well. That is, those of us who didn't get tongue tied and pronounce 'pumpkins' as 'crumpkins'.

Not sure what programme this is all to be featured on just yet, but watch this space.

Right. I think I better go and plant something.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

A mountain of gold - pure gold!

Woody's Dad works at a local stable, mucking out, feeding horses and so on, which gave the Allotment of Champions access to a hill of excellent excrement. With a little effort, we managed to shift several bins of the stuff over to the allotment, where it sits, steaming and ready to be spread.
Round two will commence in a couple of weeks, when we can get access to this filthy pile of goodness once again.

The horses were nice too. I was a bit wary of being kicked in the face though, so I didn't venture around the arse end.

(Click photos to enlarge)