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Allotment of Champions: February 2006

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Real Estate

The greenhouse-tent has arrived and has been erected on the newly cleared land at the end of the plot. Ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out!

(Click photos to enlarge)

Friday, February 17, 2006

A day in pictures

(Click photo to enlarge)
  1. The funeral pyre for the bushes.
  2. Me, digging like a Roman slave.
  3. A friendly robin, whom I believe we've now made homeless.
  4. Gav enjoying his tea.

Shrubbery holocaust

(Click photo to enlarge)

A good day's work down at the AOC (Allotment of Champions). We cleared a load of bushes and all sorts of crap from the fenced off space at the end, ready to erect our shed and greenhouse, which should both be arriving shortly. After defeating the bushes, we sentenced them to death by burning. Just as sentence was carried out, however, several old men turned up to tend their patches and received a face full of pyre-smog for their trouble. Let this serve as a warning to them.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

La Serre Chaude

Well done Gavvo - that's one magnificent Large Half Transparent Full Closed Portable House Style Walk-in Greenhouse you've purchased for the allotment of champions. Whoo - yeah! Now to smite my enemies, potato-stylee! Yes, that means you Craig ('...the brave...', '...the great...' - W.T.F?!)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Griffin's greenclaws

There's been a lot of talk about allotments recently, not only at http://www.organiccraggle.blogspot.com/, but in the Bull's Head pub and as far afield as the Robin Hood. Organic Craggle has thrown down the gauntlet, and a challenge to find the area's largest pumpkin has been set. We have responded, and responded with vigour.

In the attached piture, you will see my comrade Gavin - a veritable gardening machine - contemplating a morass of weeds. In a matter of weeks, this area will be devoid of vegetation and will sport a brand new shed - the very nexus of the Allotment of Champions. Within months, the surrounding land will sprout forth fat orange fruit as far as the eye can see, and the day will be won.

Self-indulgent pictures here... me, me, me...

I've got some photos at Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/kraken147/. Please take the time to have a look, as I crave attention and, even though the subject matter won't be of any interest to you in the slightest, my ego needs stroking. Jesus, how sad.